I Had the pleasure to work alongside my senior design team in a competition to design the Georgia Southern Museum exhibit titled "let's get dressed" curated by dr. Addie Martindale.

Georgia Southern Museum

Introductory Graphic

Informative Stationary


Student admiring our work.

Illustration Graphics

Illustration Graphics

Graphic Layouts



Mural of our awesome participants!

Graphic shirt tags.

Signage and Wall Graphic.

Exhibit of Participants Unique Items.

Wall Stationary

Wall Stationary

Students engaging at the stations.

Student taking photos.

Participants were featured on a wall at the end of the exhibition.

Students engaging with the graphic print outs.

Engagement Station

Students engaging with the graphic print outs.

The Hairline Graphic

Students admiring the hairline graphic.


Before the opening.

Student videographers shoot before the opening.